Maxillofacial surgery specialist, implantologist.
Dr Radosław Witkowski

Performs procedures in the field of implant prosthetics and reconstructive surgery of face and oral cavity, in Poland and abroad.
Considers precision and knowledge the basics of performance in his specialty. Therefore, constant improvement is vital. He is authorised to implantology in the following systems: Branemark, Replace, Frialit, Ankylos, Straumann, Camlog, 3i, Alpha Bio.
He participated in numerous foreign implantology trainings within Branemark system in Italy (Milan), Portugal (Lisbon) and in the USA, and Straumann system in Switzerland (Bern). Participated in courses on osteodistraction SIS system (osteodistraction implants) in Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic in Austria (Gratz) in 2000 and in a training programme on osteodistarction system Medartis company in Germany (Jena) in 2005.
Due to my interest in a more difficult type of implantoprosthetics, I took part in trainings on cranial implantology and facial epithesis construction in Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic and in Hospital Epitheses Laboratory in Morriston, Wales.
He obtained his medical degree at the Faculty of Dentistry of the Medical Faculty Piastów Śląskich Medical Academy in Wrocław and specialty in dental surgery – in Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic AM in Wrocław. Worked as an assistant in the Maxillofacial Surgery Ward of the Regional Medical Centre in Opole, and later, as a senior assistant in Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic Collegium Medicum Jagiellonian University in Cracow. In 2002 passed the second degree specialty exam on maxillofacial surgery.

He is a consultant in many renowned centres and NOBEL BIOCARE company mentor.
Participated in international and national congresses EACMFS, EAO, OSIS, in the Netherlands, Switzerland, Finland, Scotland, France and the USA.
Since 1994 has cooperated with and co-created Polish training team Branemark System – the world implantology leader. Branemark System introduces the first screw osseointegration implants to the medical services global market in the late 1960s. A team of scientists led by professor Per Ingvar Branemark developed first implantology protocols and defined the concept of osseointegration.
Since 1999, after Branemark System transformation into Nobel Biocare, he has been working as a lecturer and trainer.
In 2006 presented the first Polish scientific material concerning Zygoma implants.
In 2007 took part in the elite scientific team introducing a novelty implant Nobel Active in the implantology market.
Scientifically cooperates with the Osteology Foundation for which, since 2000 has been training, leading the seminars and presenting his original scientific achievement. Introduces novelty osteologic protocols i.e. with FM Dental and ReOss GmbH in the medical services market. Cooperated with a German osteology company Meisinger within International Bone Management.




  • Polskiego Towarzystwa Stomatologicznego,
  • Polskiego Towarzystwa Chirurgii Jamy Ustnej i Szczękowo-Twarzowej ,
  • Europejskiego Towarzystwa Chirurgii Czaszkowo-Szczękowo-Twarzowej.
  • Uczestniczyłem w międzynarodowych oraz krajowych kongresach EACMFS, EAO, OSIS, w Holandii, Szwajcarii, Finlandii, Szkocji, Francji, Stanach Zjednoczonych.
  • Wykonuję zabiegi z zakresu implantoprotetyki i chirurgii rekonstrukcyjnej twarzy oraz jamy ustnej w kraju i za granicą
  • Jestem konsultantem w wielu renomowanych ośrodkach
  • Jestem mentorem firmy NOBEL BIOCARE

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