modern solutions review.


Nobel Biocare company introduced a new implant named Nobel Active. (Fig.3) It is a self-tapping implant with an osteotomic (bone-condensing) action. Its characteristic feature is condensing the bone during insertion instead of cutting it (Fig.3). This determines good primary stability of the implant. It is used in the area of narrow bones, either immediately or early after extractions. The implant profile, narrowing towards the neck, promotes marginal bone preservation and soft tissue build-up in the gingival line and adjacent papilla, providing very good aesthetics.


implant budowa

Straumann Company presented a new implant Straumann Bone Level Implant (Fig.4). It is inserted about 1mm deeper, i.e. about 4mm below the gum line. These implants allow very good protection of the marginal bone, reducing its atrophy.

budowa implantuimplant przekrój


More and more companies develop computer softwares enabling virtual implant planning, predicting maximum aesthetics and minimising risk (Fig.11). These softwares include Nobel Guide, SimPlant, Excelldent. This allows you to choose the best position in the bone for implant stabilisation and aesthetics, as well as the most suitable abutments. Based on the planning data, an individual template is produced, allowing the introduction of dental implants in places exactly corresponding to the measurements.

urządzenie Osstell

In the current era of advances in knowledge and technological capabilities, indications for implant treatment have greatly expanded. However, it is worth to remember that implantological treatment is a surgical procedure and requires the skilled hand of an experienced surgeon.

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